Pelatihan Microsoft Office 365 Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Klaten
Microsoft Office 365, Form, OneNote, ClassNote, dan SwayAbstract
This community service in the form of Microsoft Office 365 training aims to introduce digital media in the learning process in elementary schools. They learned using page links and various media in elementary schools, including sound, images, and videos. Thus learning activities become more meaningful, and learning resources become multi-content. Participants in this service consist of elementary school teachers in Klaten. Various methods are used to implement this Microsoft Office 365 training. The methods are demonstration, mentoring, and discussion. Four materials are given in the Microsoft Office 365 training: Form, OneNote, ClassNote, and Sway. The results of this service activity show success in mastering the four materials by the trainees. This can be seen from the high enthusiasm in every stage of the training implementation.
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